The project's aim is to reach the maximum electrical efficiency of photovoltaic systems with bi-directional converters and power management with maximum power tracker. Power management with maximum power tracker control can achieve the maximum efficiency of such systems. The optimum control of photovoltaic system due to maximum power tracker improves the total low efficiency of photovoltaic cells. The project is aimed to the research of new topologies of bi-directional converters and their advanced connections used in new technologies of electrical energy accumulation. It is necessary to use feed-back control method to eliminate the negative fluctuation of shrinking sunshine, temperature and loads. The total efficiency by means of maximum power tracker achieves higher efficiency over then 60%. The project applies FPGA to the design to achieve the optimal integration of feed-back control of photovoltaic system with battery and dc-dc converters. (en)
1.Návrh FS se sledovačem maximálního výkonu; 2.Optimalizace zpetnovazebního řízení FS s kriteriem maximální účinosti s ohledem na množstvím světelné energie, teplotu a zátěž; 3.Návrh a optimalizace bi-direkcionálního dc-dc měniče s ohledem na účinnost, EMC; 4.Analýza akumulátorů elektrické energ.