The developments of fluidised bed gasification technologies stopped at pilot/demonstration scale for economic reasons but it grow the interest in its use with biomass for many reasons fuel flexibility, wide range operation scales suitability, etc.) In this project the way to overcoming the potential disadvantages of fluidised bed gasification and its use to process biomass/waste together with coal and the technology for CO2 capture/reduction will be investigated. The effects of different fuels, composition and gasification medium on the quality of the producer gas will be also evaluated. (en)
The developments of fluidised bed gasification technologies stopped at pilot/demonstration scale for economic reasons but it grow the interest in its use with biomass for many reasons fuel flexibility, wide range operation scales suitability, etc.) In this project the way to overcoming the potential disadvantages of fluidised bed gasification and its use to process biomass/waste together with coal and the technology for CO2 capture/reduction will be investigated. The effects of different fuels, composition and gasification medium on the quality of the producer gas will be also evaluated.
Following the condition that the candidate of financial contribution was evaluated and afterwards selected by international provider in accordance with the rules of the program the Ministry of Education, Youth ans Sports does not realize the evaluation of project results. The project is evaluated only after its approval by an international provider. (en)
Hodnocení výsledků řešení ministerstvo neprovádí, neboť podmínkou podpory je, že uchazeč byl vybrán mezinárodním poskytovatelem v souladu s pravidly příslušného programu. Projekt je hodnocen až po jeho schválení mezinárodním poskytovatelem. (cs)