Návrh metodiky obnovy ekologických a krajinně estetických funkcí břehových porostů vodních toků v rámci opatření pro stabilizaci krajiny a zpracování návrhu realizačních opatření včetně ekonomických ukazatelů. (cs)
Recreation of ecological and aesthetical function of high-grown bank vegetation within countryside stabilization measures methodology design, implementation phase scheme incl. economic indicator.Engineered and natural channels rating production,for every individual type of channel evaluate the potential negative interaction on flood control and damages risk. High-grown bank vegetation and bankside floodplain woodland classificationEvaluate current methods of bankside vegetation planting and mainteance, controlled evolution potential incl. economic comparison. Designed classification, methodology and economic indicators checking up on selected channel section. (en)
ecological and aesthetical functions in the countryside, engineered and natural channels rating, methods of planting and mainteance of bankside vegetation, site conditions, variety pattern and woodland structure, high-grown bank vegetation and bank (en)