Project subject is an exact and areal evaluation of vascular plants, mosses and sponges biodiversity in the ed terrritorial prevailing lowland forest types – in the floodplain forests in dependence on the different management intensity. The floodplain forests belong to forest ecosystems with highest species diversity in the Czech Republic, there are preffered biotopes of Natura 2000 system. The main research territory will spread in the Židlochovice Forest Enterprise, which managed indispensable part of floodplain forests in south Moravia, in the Czech Republic repsectively. These area is proposed to Natura 2000 system, belongs to Dolní Morava UNESCO biosphere reserve and it is partially protected in small-scale protected areas. Methodology will be based on full-area field inventories by stand groups. In ed stands, which are typify for individual stages of production forest cycle, will be recorded phytocoenological releves. The data will be evaluated with standard used phytocoenological and statistic (en)
Cílem projektu je zabezpečit trvale udržitelné hospodaření lužních lesů údolních niv pomocí harmonizace jejich produkčních i mimoprodukčích funkcí při ochraně druhové diverzity na příkladu území ve správě LZ Židlochovice. (cs)