This project is focused on a development and implementation of rapid and effective profiling methods for the assessment of the quality and authenticity of selected food commodities of animal origin(dairy products, meat and fish). A novel technique, DART (Direct Analysis in Real Time) ion source coupled to Time of the Flight mass spectrometer (TOF MS) will be used for this purpose. Mass spectra - metabolomic fingerprints - obtained by examination of following samples: (i) products from conventional and organic farming (milk and beef) (ii) simulated fraud products (goat/sheep cheeses with addition of cow milk, mixtures of meats, meats with added plant proteins) and (iii) products differing in freshness / way of cold storage (beef, fish), will be used for establishing respective databases. Advanced chemometric approaches such as Linear Discrimination Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks will be used for data processing. The results of project - standard operation procedures describing novel analytic (en)
Zavést a validovat zcela nové, rychlé metody pro spolehlivé hodnocení kvality a autenticity vybraných surovin a potravin živočišného původu v řetězci prvovýroba - finální spotřebitel založené na metabolomických profilech získaných technikou DART-TOF MS. (cs)
Authenticity; adulteration; milk; dairy products; meat; meat products; fish; ambient desorption ionization mass spectrometry; direct analysis in real (DART) (en)