Current problems in dairy farming include particularly a frequent occurrence of health and fertility disorders that makes the herd reproduction more expensive and reduces the revenue from milk and breeding animal sales. The main goal of this project is to elaborate procedures for early detection and evaluation of causes of significant problems existing in dairy herds, and to develop methologies for their removal and prevention. The project implementation will be based on the evaluation of routinely collected data and parameters monitored in specific herds, and on newly developed indices that will increase the efficiency of dairy herd management evaluation. Because of the project comprehensiveness, several specialized workplaces will be involved – the Clinic of Ruminant Diseases and the Institute of Physiology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences (VFU) Brno, the Department of Cattle Breeding at the Institute of Animal Science (VUZV) Prague – Uhrin (en)
Vypracování postupů usnadňujících včasné odhalení a vyhodnocení příčin významných problémů v chovech dojnic a vývoj metodik k jejich odstranění a prevenci. (cs)