Production of not only safety raw material but safety food is the main goal for todays and future agriculture and to take care about social economic situation in the countryside indeed . Agriculture wants to make space for spending free time of increasing number of inhabitants. The milk industry is under increasing human ínterest to improve milk safety as a basic food .But milk is still one from the safest food .The research studies repeatedly confirmed that the hygienic milk quality highly correlates with the health of cows .In order to produce the best quality of organic milk and safe food in the same time we have to develop new strategies to produce safer organic milk which will be highly appreciated by the consumers ...The arrangements should follow the rules of organic farming with the intention to improve the health cows and economic features of organic milk production . (en)
Zdokonalit technologické postupy při prvovýrobě mléka určeného na bioprodukty v návaznosti na stávající předpisy. (cs)
Výzkumné aspekty zdokonalování kvality mléka z ekologických farem s cílem podpory kvalitní produkce biomléka a bezpečnosti finálních biovýrobků (cs)
Research principles of improving hygienic milk quality from organic farming to support production of organic milk and food safety of final bioproducts . (en)