The aim of this project is to establish the spread and importance of hedgerows in a landscape with utilizing GIS and Remote sensing. The framework of this project includes the design of such hedgerows adjustment based on the outdoor survey in order to strengthen their function in a landscape. The conservation of the contemporary diversification, hydrological and erosion function including positive influences on surrounding agriculture-cenoses is concerned. The possibility of hedgerows utilization for agricultural diversification in particular for development of tourism in farms will be solve. (en)
Stanovit podmínky, za kterých mohou agrární valy plnit základní funkce. Zmírňovat negativní dopady hydrologických extrémů, posílit zdroje povrchových a podzemních vod, navržení realizace způsobů hospodaření. Posílit aktivity ve venkovském prostoru. (cs)
Establishment of landscape, hydrological and productional harmonization of hedgerows and terraces for diversification of activities in countryside (en)
Zajištění harmonizace krajinotvorné, hydrologické a produkční funkce agrárních valů a teras pro diverzifikaci aktivit na venkově. (cs)
Flora and vegetation of hedgerows; plant ecological characteristics; root system; plant species spread; management. Hedgerows hydrology; infiltration processes; groundwater and surface water deposites; basic design parameters of hedgerows; water regime (en)