Vymezit reakci vybraných skupin půdní a epigeické fauny bezobratlých na vápnění diferencovanou dávkou dolomitického vápence ve střednědobém horizontu 2003-2012 a charakterizovat půdní faunu na plochách vápněných v minulosti (1986-2000). (cs)
The response of soil and epigeic fauna on large-scale liming is studied using the method of soil traps, tullgrens and photoeclectors in experimental birch stands in the area of the eastern Krušné hory Mts. (Forest District Litvínov). The objective of our study is to determine positive and negative short-term and long-term impacts of dolomitic limestone (2003-2012) on soil fauna (Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Oribatida, Lumbricidae, Aranea, Carabidae, Elateridae, Diptera etc.). At the same time, changes are monitored in the soil chemistry and health conditions of limed stands. (en)