Cílem projektu je stanovit ohroženost větrnou erozí u těžkých půd v oblasti Bílých Karpat v porovnání s typickými projevy eroze na ostatních půdách, vyvinout a ověřit model pro hodnocení účinnosti biotechnických opatření(větrolamů)metodami GIS (cs)
The aim of the project is to determine criteria of wind erosion expansion on heavy-textured soils on the basis of evaluation of climatic, pedological and morphological determination of chosen area. The efficiency of the present shelterbelts in the area will be measured experimentally. The ascertained information will be used for the model development, which can determine the efficiency of biotechnological wind erosion control measurements in the conditions of GIS. Through the use of the model it could be possible effectively evaluate and simulate the efficiency of the present and proposed biotechnological wind erosion control measurements. (en)