An important factor influencing food quality considering their health safety is the occurrence of mycotoxins and their producers, microscopic fungi, in agricultural commodities. The objective of the project is to develop a reliable and sufficiently sensitive method for detection of T-2 and HT-2 toxins, to collect more data on their occurrence, and to conduct further examinations and investigation aiming at factors that contribute to their presence in cereals, including detection of producer spectrum by molecular techniques. Another goal is to develop an analytical method for detection of the conjugated form of mycotoxins and to define factors that affect its occurrence. The project is intended to contribute to health safety of plant origin products. Besides elimination of negative impacts on the health state of inhabitants, conducting the project will encourage confidence of consumers in quality and safety of foods of our provenance, and increase competitiveness of products of the agrarian sector on b (en)
Vyvinout vhodné metody pro detekci, shromáždit údaje o výskytu a provést výzkum zaměřený na faktory podílející se na přítomnosti mykotoxinů a jejich kongujované formy v obilovinách. (cs)
Assessment of causes and possibilities of limiting new risks associated with the occurrence of Fusarium mycotoxins and their conjugated forms in cereals (en)
Stanovení příčin a možností omezení nových rizik spojených s výskytem fuzáriových mykotoxinů a jejich vázané formy v obilovinách (cs)