Cílem projektu je potvrdit, či vyvrátit hypotézu, že aerace sedimentů může omezit rozvoj sinic v nádržích prostřednictvím snížení množství klidových stádií sinic v sedimentech. Navrhnout metodiku ekologicky šetrné metody omezení masového rozvoje sinic. (cs)
The project is focussed on the reduction of cyanobacterial resting cells and bioavailability of nutrients in sediments. It is based on the hypothesis, that diffuse aeration of sediments (treatments with and without bioaugmentation) enhances microbial activity in sediments and thus reduces the amount of cynobacterial resting stages. It can bring the novel aproach for cyanobacterial blooms prevention based on the knowledge of cyanobacterial life cycle. Moreover, the diffuse aeration will be evaluated as an alternative to an often ineffective sediment dredging (e.g. in situ treatment and stabilisation of sediments). (en)