Zvýšení účinnosti navrhovaných protierozních opatření organizačního, agrotechnického a technického charakteru podle lokální a časové rozdílnosti erozivity dešťů (jarního tání) a podle navržených způsobů omezení erodovatelnosti půd. (cs)
Water erosion process is caused by rainfall erosivity incl. snow melting and soil erodibility. Exploration of these basic influences in more details will bring better effectivity to erosion control measures. First, the criteria of rainfall erosivity together with those of soil erodibility in the Czech conditions. Second, the influence of post-harvest organic litter on changes of soil erodibility will be investigated. Further, also an impact of snow melting accompanied by torrential rainfalls on soil erodibility will be analyzed. In conclusion, all observation and achievements will be specified and incorporated to extra parameter of the KINFIL model. This model is based on processes of infiltration and surface runoff physical description with a possible influence of erosion control measures. Partial results will be presented in scientific journals and in the set of methodology for design of soil-water control erosion remedy. (en)