Aplikace technologie DNA čipů DArT pro charakterizaci odrůd čistých druhů kostřav a jílků a xFestulolium. Budou vybrány výchozí materiály pro další šlechtění a charakterizovány genomy stávajících a nově získaných odrůd xFestulolium. (cs)
Proposed project focuses on a need to improve the efficiency of breeding hybrid grass cultivars derived from crosses between ryegrasses and fescues (xFestulolium). DArT DNA chip will be developed for rapid characterization of genomic constitution of xFestulolium. The chip will be tested on a set of cultivars and breeding materials of xFestulolium, which will be also characterized using GISH method. Evaluation of phenotypic and qualitative traits will permit correlation of agronomically important traits with the presence of DArT markers. The results and methodology developed during the project execution will lay foundations for molecular markers breeding of hybrid grasses. (en)