Every year leaf blotches on cereals cause considerable economic losses. The application of and breeding of resistant cultivars run into a problem with exact and timely diagnostic. The aim of the project is the development of a diagnostic DNA array facilitating rapid and accurate identification of pathogens present in invaded plant tissue. Another aim of the project is a retrieval and breeding of new varieties with a combine resistance to leaf blotch diseases. Particular attention will be paid to deepen knowledge of the interaction between host plant and pathogen, particularly in early stages of infection and the characterisation of genes involved in plant defence reaction. (en)
Vyvinout DNA diagnostický čip pro hodnocení napadení pšenice a ječmene původci listových skvrnitostí. Nalézt skríningem a šlechtěním linie pšenice a ječmene s lepší úrovní rezistence k původcům listových chorob. (cs)