Inovace systémů integrované ochrany drobného ovoce, zejména rybízu a jahod, proti komplexu škodlivých činitelů. Vytvoření specializované technologie ochrany jahod zajišťující produkci bezpečné suroviny pro zpracování na dětskou výživu (cs)
The proposed project is focused on the optimization of soft fruit protection with regard to requirements of modern IPM systems. In a framework of pest, disease and weed control the protection against complex important species will be solved. Ecological friendly strategies will be preferred to minimize input of harmful chemicals into agroecosystems and to food chain. The trials on perspective pest management methods such as mating disruption, using of botanical or other selective insecticides will be established. In the addition, the incidence of residues in fruits treated with selected zoocides and fungicides in different protection models will be assessed to determine suitability of used products for safe food production. The special attention will be paid to the development of growing systems of strawberries intended for safe baby food. (en)
Innovation of integrated pest and disease management in soft fruits with special regard to the production of strawberries suitable for safe baby food (en)
Inovace systémů integrované ochrany drobného ovoce proti komplexu škodlivých činitelů se zvláštním zřetelem na produkci jahod určených jako surovina pro dětskou výživu. (cs)