Charakterizovat nově nalezené viry a fytoplazmy jetele lučního z různých lokalit České republiky, vyvinout a aplikovat metody jejich detekce pro zlepšení zdravotního stavu výchozího šlechtitelského materiálu pro vyšlechtění nové odrůdy. (cs)
The perpective aim of the project is to clarify the etiology and providing of protection of red clover seedlings against diseases associated with symptoms of compact dwarf growth habit and gradual extinction of plants repeatedly occurring in the breeding nurseries.The objectives of the proposed project are isolation and characterisation of associated viruses, their amplification in host plants, purification and preparation of antisera suitable for ELISA. Experiments involving electronmicroscopy studies, sequence analyses of viral nucleic acid with the aim to design the primers for detection of viruses by polymerase chain reaction or by another molecular method will be performed. Phytoplasmas present especially in the breeding material of the red clover and associated with clover dwarf diseases will be also detected, identified and characterized. The occurrence of viruses and phytoplasmas will be screened in red clover breeding material in the all Czech Republic, in wild growing clovers and in forage c (en)