Cílem projektu je zabezpečení vyšetřování kaprů obecných z chovů ČR na přítomnost koi herpesviru a vytipování perspektivních linií kapra obecného z hlediska rezistence vůči koi herpesviróze. (cs)
Koi herpes virosis is dangerous and very contagious disease of common carp. Its occurence hasn`t been confirmed on the teritory of the Czech Republic yet. At the first part of proposed project, common carp and koi carp specimens from chosen farms will be investigated virologically. In addition, bacteriological, haematological, biochemical and histological examination will be carried out. The second part of the project will be focused on the evaluation of possibility of various sensitivity of some pure strains of common carp and their hybrids to experimental infection of KHV. Information of the KHV epizootological situation in czech fish farms and the sequence of tested strains according to their resistance to KHV. (en)
Monitoring of the koi herpes virus disease (KHVD) occurrence in breeds of common carp in CR and testing of susceptibility of chosen strains of common carp to KHV. (en)
Monitoring výskytu koi herpesvirózy (KHV) v chovech kapra obecného v ČR a testování vnímavosti vybraných linií kapra ke KHV. (cs)