PravidelnÚ vydßvßnÝ sbornÝku ECON v rozsahu cca 180 stran, kterř shroma×´uje vřsledky vřzkumu pracovnÝk¨ EkonomickÚ fakulty VŐB-TU Ostrava a jejich spolupracovnÝk¨ z tuzemska i zahraniŔÝ SbornÝk je vydßvßn v angliŔtiný a je distribuovßn spolupracujÝcÝm institucÝm doma i v zahraniŔÝ na podzim ka×dÚho roku. (cs)
A regular issuing of ECON Proceedings in the scope of cca 250 pages that encompass the results of research work done by the Faculty of Economics VSB - Technical University Ostrava, staff members and their fellow researchers both from this country and abroad in specified year, which enables them a broad presentation of those results. The proceedings are published in English and are distributed to co-operating institutions at home and abroad at the beginning of the following year. (en)