Cílem projektu OLIGOSYNT je inovace výroby DNA čipů vývojem vysoce vyspělé technologie vizuální kontroly komunikující s robotem v reálném čase a výstupní analytické kontroly a tím zvýšit kvalitu, produktivitu a lépe konkurovat zavedeným výrobcům z USA. (cs)
The aim of the project is to improve the quality of DNA microarrays produced by ink jet synthesizer and microarrayer. This will be achieved by means of designing and incorporating a real time sensor of the nozzle flow into the ink jet synthesizer and microarrayer and molecular-analytical output control. The nozzle flow sensor will monitor the occurrence, the position and the shape of the printed beads. After the nozzle gets clogged, the sensor will send a signal to the printing head and another nozzle will print the nucleotide on the effected spot. The molecular-analytical output control will analyze the quality of the final DNA microarrays by checking the density and oligonucleotide sequences and compare them to market-established products. Consequently, the errors in the oligonucleotide sequence that occur due to a random clogging of the nozzles will be eliminated. Moreover, the production process will increase in speed and become more effective as the double printing currently applied will no long (en)
DNA Microarray; ink jet technology; ink jet synthesizer and microarrayer; real time sensor; nozzle clogging; quality of DNA Microarray; oligonucleotide synthesis; oligonucleotide analysis; DNA sequencing; DNA Microarray analysis; hybridization (en)