In this project we propose to study primary unanswered questions which deal with the role of lipids in mitochondria-dependent cardioprotection. We will test the hypothesis that fatty acids and products of lipid peroxidation and nitration regulate mitochondrial response to cardiac ischemia. We will expand this goal by a basic research leading to the development of a viral expression strategy of ed genes. Experimental approach include namely studies of K+ transport in intact heart mitochondria using the light scattering method, studies of isolated mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel (mitoKATP) reconstituted to liposomes, studies of bioenergetics parameters of cultured cardiac cells, and studies of perfused rat hearts using the Langendorff apparatus. The expected results will expand our knowledge of regulation of mitoKATP, the role of fatty acids in the regulation of this protein, and the role of mitochondria in the origin and transmission of the cardioprotective signal. (en)
Dlouhodobým cílem je odkrytí mechanismů, kterými se mitochondriálním iontové přenašeče podílejí na ischemickém prekondiciování srdeční tkáně a modifikují biologickou odezvu na ischémii/reperfúzi. (cs)