S využitím dvoustranné mezinárodní spolupráce rozvinout a zdokonalit experimentální metodiky a získat nové poznatky o mechanismech procesů koroze za napětí a poškozování při únavovém zatěžování v podmínkách korozního prostředí pro vybrané typy ocelí. (cs)
The project is aimed at the field of stress corrosion damage and damage cuased by fatigue at corrosive environments of selected steels used for high-pressure pipelines and nuclear power plants. The research area represents a very significant field of degradation processes of materials with complicated physical and physical-chemical mechanisms, respectively. The aim of the project is partly to improve knowledge in the research area on the basis of and information exchange with the foreign partner and partly to improve experimental approaches and to gain new knowledge of a basic character on damage of materials at the investigated conditions. (en)