The main goal of the project is to establish a consortium, Center of fundamental research in the fields of experimental nuclear physics related to experimental nuclear astrophysics, neutrino physics and study of hadron properties inside medium in extreme conditions.The goal of the proposal is to strengthen direct cooperation with partners from abroad based on long term reciprocity due to using of Center facilities at Czech Republic, to facilitate cooperation in above mentioned fields between participating institutions, to obtain access to nuclear reactor and accelerators at NPI for young specialists of university partners. One can expect that by joining scientific, technical and pedagogical capacities of the partners into proposed Center for fundamental research in experimental nuclear astrophysics and nuclear physics will make such research significantly more effective. (en)
Cílem projektu je spojení základního výzkumu subjektů v perspektivních oblastech jaderné fyziky a jaderné astrofyziky, do společného centra, zapojení mladých pracovníků a získání originálních výsledků ve spolupráci se zahraničím. (cs)