Physics of Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Collissions (PRNC) studies extremal states of nuclear matter. Its goal is to understand how collective phenomena and macroscopic properties in systems involving many degrees of freedom like dense and hot hadronic matter or quark-gluon plasma do emerge from the mi-croscopic laws of elementary;particle physics. Goal of the project is to mark-erdly increase quality of the education of young scientists and students and at the same time to stabilize strong team of scientists speacializing in this mod-ern branch of nuclear physics. This will assure continuous development of this perspective field in the Czech Republic. This goal can be achieved only by concentrating research into a single scientific unit which will provide best work-ing conditions for participation in world leading experiments (ALICE, STAR) as well as in theoretical and detector oriented activities connected to them. (en)
V letech 2007-2011 výrazně zkvalitnit výchovu mladých vědců a studentů, stabilizovat silný tým specialistů a prohloubit spolupráci se zahraničními partnery v rámci experimentů ALICE a STAR. (cs)