Annotation: A cooperation and membership in international professional organizations is important presupposition for next involvement of project managers into international research cooperation. This mentioned oppinion is valid also in dairying. This project solution is based on support and development of possibilities for the Czech Republic on the field of dairying and especially milk analyses, milk quality checking and control and assurance of milk food chain safety in the framework of international prestige professional organizations such as AFEMA and ICAR. The cooperation can contribute to certainty of consumers of milk foodstuffs by using of results, which are based and validated by research and to obtaining of relevant benefits on mentioned field. In particular the knowledge and principles of assurance of methods of analytical quality control system about milk composition for various purposes such as support and control of milk food safety support, dairy cow health state control and milk record (en)
Cílem je podpora získávání znalostí ze spolupráce výzkumných mlékařských analytických pracovišť a členství v ICAR a AFEMA a jejich transfer do našeho prostředí a rozvoj znalostí získaných vlastním výzkumem a vývojem v internacionální kooperaci. (cs)