Within the project several databases, algorithms and models covering following areas will be created: - harvesting of energy and technical crops, - utilization of waste and energy biomass, - utilization of wastes for fertilizing, - fytoremediation of devastated soils. All components created will be integrated in form of expert system. Expert system will be freely accessible on the Internet and that as well by mobile technologies. Expert system will be based on open technologies and formates and it will be possible to implement it or it's parts into online or offline applications. Utility of the expert system will be verified in operating conditions and in plot tests. As a part of the verification several characteristics will be monitored, for example: the effect of harvesting energy crops on the hydro-physical quality of soils under diverse crops and with various kinds and amounts of fertilizing. (en)
Shrnutí poznatků z oblastí pěstování a využívání biomasy a odpadů na znehodnocených půdách do snadno přístupné a použitelné formy - expertního systému. Ověření algoritmů a modelů v parcelových pokusech a provozních podmínkách. (cs)