The proposed project aims in testing modern molecular genetic methods employed in preparation of organisms producing new biologically active compounds. Lincosamide and anthramycin antibiotics, two groups differing in structure and function but sharing part of their biosynthetic pathway will be used as models. The partial overlap of their biosynthetic pathways will be used to design hybrid compounds promising a widened spectrum of antibacterial, anti-parasitic (anti-malaria in particular), and possibly also anti-tumor effects. The outcome, among others, will be a collection of genes isolated from producers of defined compounds as well as of genes gathered in the natural environment potentially useful in construction of organisms producing the above mentioned hybrid compounds. (en)
Znalosti biosyntézy antibiotik využít k vyhledávání analogických genů a shluků. Vytvořit sbírku genů využitelných pro cílenou přípravu hybridních látek, tj. ke šlechtění produkčních organismů i kmenů degradujíjící významné antropogenní kontaminanty vody. (cs)