Cílem bude vypracování nových analytických technik NMR krystalografie vedoucích k monitorování výroby farmakoproduktů, ke snadné a bezpečné identifikaci fázových nečistot a příměsí a pro detailní popis krystalové struktury farmaceuticky aktivních látek. (cs)
The main target of the proposed project is the development of the new analytical techniques of NMR crystallography leading to the control of pharmaceuticals manufacture, unambiguous identification of polymorphic impurities, and detail description of the crystal structure of the active pharmaceutical ingredients. The aim of the project is an optimization of these procedures to characterize newly developed drugs based on nanocrystalline and amorphous systems. Owing to the high requirements on the quality and monitoring of pharmaceuticals ingredients the developed procedures will be designed and optimized for industrial applications. Hence the proposed time-saving techniques will provide required information on the basis of minimized number of experimental data and will provide prediction of their crystal structure. The obtained knowledge will open new ways to understand pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of various polymorphs in a human body. (en)