The research will aim on legal forms of persecutions in Czech lands in the years 1939-1960. The research will be based on comparative approach. The literature until today concentrates mainly on specialized aspects. The proposed grant will therefore concentrate on comparison in two major ways. Firstly it will compare basic features of persecutions in Czech lands during Nazi period, in the years 1945-1948 and during first phase of communist regime. Secondly it will bring comparison between Czech and Slovak lands, between Czechoslovakia and neighbouring countries, Soviet Union and selected European countries (for example France). The main focus will lay in comparison of laws (which are usually changed relatively slowly) and real practice of persecutions (especially for political, religious or racial reasons). The project is proposed for three years and is based on cooperation between the Institute of legal history, Law Faculty - Charles University, Prague and Institute of Contemporary History - Czech Academy of Science. (en)
Cílem je komparativní a interdisciplinární zhodnocení právních forem perzekucí za nacistické a na počátku komunistické éry a v letech 1945-48. Provede se syntéza dosavadního archivního a historického výzkumu a současně zhodnocení právního vývoje. Výsledkem bude rozsáhlá monografie a edice dokumentů. (cs)