The project is focused on discerning the relationship between the totalitarian regime and art in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s. It will survey events that have received minimum attention or have not been subjected to synthetic examination so far. It is confined to this particular decade because it was crucial for the radical changes in the the Czech culture and society in general. As the most dramatic and institutionalizing there seem to be the events of 1950 (as a landmark of establishing norms), of 1956 (as the culmination of norm resistance), and of 1959 (as a relapse into norm enforcement and, at the same time, a conflict beween the assimilative and the defying principles). The project's aim is to outline the form, the nature and variations of these conflicts as they materialized at major official assemblies of the then Writers' Union, and in the literary creations of Czech authors, mainly poets, as well. (en)
Cílem projektu je postižení základních projevů v české literatuře 50. let 20. století, se zaměřením na konflikt totalitní moci a umění a jeho dopad v poezii. Výstupem budou tři knižní publikace mapující události této dekády se zaměřením na nejdůležitější akce SČSS a na poezii této dekády. (cs)