Objasnění úlohy bakteriofágů při vzniku a evoluci úspěšných komunitních a nemocničních klonů Staphylococcus aureus a jejich podílu na horizontálním přenosu genů virulence a rezistence. Vypracování nového systému pro molekulární diagnostiku a klasifikaci toxin-konvertujících a transdukujících fágů. (cs)
The specific objectives of this project include application and further development of new methods to identify implications of horizontal gene transfer mediated by bacteriophages in the virulence of Staphylococcus aureus strains. Description of prophage content in clinical strains will be allowed by design of novel DNA based techniques for molecular identification and classification of staphylococcal bacteriophages. New approach based on PCR technology will be used for study of horizontal gene transfer by bacteriophages induced from lysogenic clinical strains and for identification of transducing particles and characterization of transferred genes. Comparative genomic analyses of toxin converting phages will enable us to characterize community acquired Panton-Valentine leukocidin positive strains and hospital acquired exfoliative toxin A positive strains in detail. Conservation and collection of the induced phages and laboratory lysogenized strains prepared in this project will provide unique source for epidemiological studies of S. aureus infections based on comparative genomics. (en)