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| - Pivo je zajímavý nápoj z nutričního hlediska a nízkým obsahem bílkovin, jejichž hlavním zdrojem je slad. Slad obsahuje gluten, který je spjatý s celiakií. Koncentrace glutenu v pivu závisí na typu sladu, rmutovacím procesu, a kvasném a stabilizačním procesu. Sendvičová souprava ELISA RIDASCREEN# Gliadin Kit, která využívá R5 protilátku a souprava Gliadin ELISA Kit byly použity pro stanovení glutenu v některých typech sladů a v některých pivech z českého trhu. Obsah glutenu v pivu byl různý, ale vždy byl menší než 20 mg / l. Byl zkoumán také obsah glutenu v různých fázích sladařského a pivovarského procesu a byla udělána bilance glutenu. Obsah glutenu ve sladu je větší než v zrnu. Sladový extrakt přechází do roztoku během rmutovacího procesu na varně. Některé proteiny jsou fragmentovány na jednoduché polypeptidy.Většina proteinů zůstává po scezovacím procesu v mlátě. Některé polypeptidy jsou vysráženy a adsorbovány na povrch kvasničných buněk během kvasného procesu. Po filtraci je pivo koloidně stabi (cs)
- Beer is a beverage with important nutritional aspects and with a low content of proteins, of which the main source is malt. Malt contains glutens (barley and wheat malt) that are associated with coeliac disease. The concentration of gluten in beer depends on the type of malt, the mashing technology, and the fermentation and stabilisation processes. The sandwich ELISA RIDASCREEN# Gliadin Kit, which uses R5 antibody detection approach, and the Gliadin ELISA Kit have been used for the determination of gluten in some types of malts and in some beers from the Czech market. The content of gluten in the beers varied, but was always lower than 20 mg l?1. Also, the gluten content and balance at various stages in the malting and brewing processes was estimated. Gluten content in malt is higher that in grain. Malt extract is transferred to solution during the mashing process in a brewing house. Some proteins are fragmentised to simple polypetides. The major of proteins rests in spent grain after lautering proces
- Beer is a beverage with important nutritional aspects and with a low content of proteins, of which the main source is malt. Malt contains glutens (barley and wheat malt) that are associated with coeliac disease. The concentration of gluten in beer depends on the type of malt, the mashing technology, and the fermentation and stabilisation processes. The sandwich ELISA RIDASCREEN# Gliadin Kit, which uses R5 antibody detection approach, and the Gliadin ELISA Kit have been used for the determination of gluten in some types of malts and in some beers from the Czech market. The content of gluten in the beers varied, but was always lower than 20 mg l?1. Also, the gluten content and balance at various stages in the malting and brewing processes was estimated. Gluten content in malt is higher that in grain. Malt extract is transferred to solution during the mashing process in a brewing house. Some proteins are fragmentised to simple polypetides. The major of proteins rests in spent grain after lautering proces (en)
| - Stanovení glutenu v pivu a jeho bilance během pivovarského procesu (cs)
- Gluten balance during malting and brewing process.
- Gluten balance during malting and brewing process. (en)
| - Stanovení glutenu v pivu a jeho bilance během pivovarského procesu (cs)
- Gluten balance during malting and brewing process.
- Gluten balance during malting and brewing process. (en)
| - RIV/60461373:22330/05:00015546!RIV06-MSM-22330___
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| - RIV/60461373:22330/05:00015546
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| - Spotřeba piva; složka piva; složka ječmene; složka sladu; peptid; protein; analýza piva; obsah prolaminu; celiakie (en)
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| - Dostálek, Pavel
- Gabrovská, Dana
- Hochel, Igor
- Méndez, Enrique
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