Pravidelná každoroční konference organizovaná TC AV ČR se konala 24.-25. října v hotelu Diplomat, Praha. Hlavním tématem konference byla příprava na nový rámcový program EU pro výzkum, vývoj a inovace - Horizon 2020. Součástí bylo jednodenní koloquium zaměřené na velké výzkumné infrastrukury. (en)
Annual conference organized by TC ASCR was held 24. -25. October in Diplomat hotel, Prague.The main topic of the conference was the new European framework program for research and innovation - Horizon 2020. A part of the event was one-day colloquium focused on management of large research infrastructures.
Annual conference organized by TC ASCR was held 24. -25. October in Diplomat hotel, Prague.The main topic of the conference was the new European framework program for research and innovation - Horizon 2020. A part of the event was one-day colloquium focused on management of large research infrastructures. (cs)