There is discussed self-exciting threshold autoregressive process with GARCH error. Classical example of Pippenger and Goering is repeated and new Monte Carlo study of the power of the Dickey-Fuller test for SETAR model with GARCH error is done.
There is discussed self-exciting threshold autoregressive process with GARCH error. Classical example of Pippenger and Goering is repeated and new Monte Carlo study of the power of the Dickey-Fuller test for SETAR model with GARCH error is done. (en)
V článku je diskutován SETAR (self-exciting threshold autoregressive) proces s GARCH chybou. Je zde zopakován klasický příklad Pippenbergra a Goeringa a je provedena nová Monte Carlo studie síly Dickey-Fullerova testu pro SETAR model s GARCH chybou. (cs)