Použití těchto ocelí, které mají vysokou odolnost proti temperování uchovávají si svou vysokou tvrdost za zvýšených teplot, vysokou odolnost proti opotřebení a adekvátní tažnost. Rycholořezné oceli jsou legované wolframové oceli ještě wolfram molybdenové (cs)
Increasing requirements on properties of tools have incduced gradual development of steels, which were used for making the tools. Alloyed steels have thus replaced the original carbon steels. The era of steel tools has culminated in developmetn of hight-
Increasing requirements on properties of tools have incduced gradual development of steels, which were used for making the tools. Alloyed steels have thus replaced the original carbon steels. The era of steel tools has culminated in developmetn of hight- (en)