An examination of the masonary surrounding Raneferef's burial chamber showed that the chunks of stone were inscribed with 'hut Raneferef' - 'Raneferef's house'. The inscribed stones thus represented a magical protection of the king's burial .
An examination of the masonary surrounding Raneferef's burial chamber showed that the chunks of stone were inscribed with 'hut Raneferef' - 'Raneferef's house'. The inscribed stones thus represented a magical protection of the king's burial . (en)
Výzkum zdiva okolo Raneferefovy pohřební komory prokázal, že na blocích kamene se opakoval nápis 'hut Raneferef' - 'Raneferefův dům'. Popsané bloky tak představovaly magickou ochranu královského hrobu. (cs)