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| - Pc 50-4, gene of resistance to oat crown rust, is a member of the set of genes transferred to cultivated Avena sativa L. from wild Avena sterilis L. In our study, a high level of the efficiency of Pc 50-4 in the control of a number of pathotypes originating from different regions of Europe and Middle East, collected in 2000–2004, is demonstrated. Only 5 pathotypes from different geographical areas were virulent to Pc 50-4 out of the total of 71 tested isolates. The efficiency of the gene Pc 50-4 is 0.9296. This value is well comparable with the very high efficiency of the set of genes which are commonly used as differentials in the Research Institute of Crop Production in Prague as well as with genes successfully used in breeding resistance programmes in North America. Hybridological F2 and F3 analyses performed in field and glasshouse conditions show that in the Pc 50-4 line the resistance to two recently identified pathotypes of oat crown rust is conditioned by one major gene as well.
- Pc 50-4, gene of resistance to oat crown rust, is a member of the set of genes transferred to cultivated Avena sativa L. from wild Avena sterilis L. In our study, a high level of the efficiency of Pc 50-4 in the control of a number of pathotypes originating from different regions of Europe and Middle East, collected in 2000–2004, is demonstrated. Only 5 pathotypes from different geographical areas were virulent to Pc 50-4 out of the total of 71 tested isolates. The efficiency of the gene Pc 50-4 is 0.9296. This value is well comparable with the very high efficiency of the set of genes which are commonly used as differentials in the Research Institute of Crop Production in Prague as well as with genes successfully used in breeding resistance programmes in North America. Hybridological F2 and F3 analyses performed in field and glasshouse conditions show that in the Pc 50-4 line the resistance to two recently identified pathotypes of oat crown rust is conditioned by one major gene as well. (en)
- Major gen rezistence proti rzi ovesné, inkorporovaný do linie Pc 50-4, je jedním ze skupiny genů přenesených do Avena sativa L. z planého druhu Avena sterilis L. V předložené studii bylo prokázáno, že sledovaný gen je vysoce účinný proti řadě nových patotypů rzi ovesné pocházejících z různých regionů Evropy a Blízkého východu získaných v letech 2000–2004. Ze 71 testovaných izolátů vykazovalo virulenci k Pc 50-4 pouze 5 různých patotypů z odlišných geografických oblastí. Efektivnost tohoto genu tak v současnosti dosahuje hodnoty 0,9296. Tato úroveň je srovnatelná se skupinou genů rezistence s prokázanou nejvyšší efektivností odolnosti používanými jako diferenciátory ve Výzkumném ústavu rostlinné výroby v Praze a také s geny odolnosti úspěšně využívanými ve šlechtitelských programech Severní Ameriky. Hybridologickými analýzami v generacích F2 a F3 ve skleníkových a polních podmínkách bylo zjištěno, že dědičnost odolnosti linie Pc 50-4 je k patotypům izolovaným nedávno z různých oblastí Evropy zal (cs)
| - Inheritance and Efficiency of Crown Rust Resistance in the Line Pc 50 (Avena sterilis L.)
- Inheritance and Efficiency of Crown Rust Resistance in the Line Pc 50 (Avena sterilis L.) (en)
- Efektivnost a dědičné založení rezistence linie Pc 50-4 (Avena sterilis L.) ke rzi ovesné (Puccinia coronata Cda. f. sp. avenae Erikson) (cs)
| - Inheritance and Efficiency of Crown Rust Resistance in the Line Pc 50 (Avena sterilis L.)
- Inheritance and Efficiency of Crown Rust Resistance in the Line Pc 50 (Avena sterilis L.) (en)
- Efektivnost a dědičné založení rezistence linie Pc 50-4 (Avena sterilis L.) ke rzi ovesné (Puccinia coronata Cda. f. sp. avenae Erikson) (cs)
| - RIV/00027006:_____/06:1288!RIV07-MZE-00027006
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| - RIV/00027006:_____/06:1288
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| - oat, major resistance genes, Puccinia coronata f.sp. avenae, pathotype (en)
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| - Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding
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