Vypracovat nové postupy a systémy opatření v lesním hospodářství, diferencovaně podle intenzity hospodaření, na podporu biodiverzity druhové skladby a odolnosti vůči extrémním vlivům počasí a klimatickým změnám a pro podporu retenčních schopností lesních ekosystémů.
The aim of the project is to create a basis for effective planning of measures and reducing costs by optimizing various measures against wind damage. The proposed system can operatively predict the risk of wind damage to stands and provide outputs for forest owners to increase the effectiveness of implemented measures. The main effect for forest owners will be spared costs from the redevelopment of windbreaks , loss of production due to early cutting and due to the forced inclusion of mined products to the lower breeding. The proposed project includes three specific objectives , they are associated with three specific results: 1) Create and calibrate model for analysis of wind damage risk and parameterization of the model to conditions of the Czech Republic on the basis of experimental destructive measurement of stability of trees. 2) Create software that enables the analysis of the risk of wind damage in the Czech Republic. 3) Propose silvicultular measures to minimize the risk of wind damage in the form of a decision support system connected with the developed software. (en)