Biological potential of new genotypes of cereal crops has been increasing and due to the employment of perspective genetic methods and assumed improvement of the photosynthetic efficiency through interferences in carbon metabolism further enhancement of the productivity as much as by 50% can be expected. At the same time, however, the utilization of the potential of new genotypes, considering both quality parameters and especially productivity, has been decreasing and is very variable. Thus, spatial and temporal environmental variability has become a limiting factor of cereal production that should be eliminated by crop management practices. However, there is a lack of reliable tools for diagnosing such variability on larger areas and its performing at shorter intervals. Furthermore, currently available methods fail in agronomic interpretation of measurements that often leads to inconsistent results. The use of knowledge about the genotype-environment interaction in decision making, which is critical (en)
Vytvořit a využít základní poznatky k vývoji, ověření a rozšíření nových diagnostických metod stavu porostů obilnin v zemědělské praxi. Vytvořit podklady pro variabilní provádění pěstebních opatření a tím zvýšit realizaci biologického potenciálu odrůd.
winter wheat; spring barley; variety potential realisation; stand structure development; methods of stand structure assessment; canopy spectral charcteristic; NDVI; vegetaion indices; variable nitrogen application; more effecient stand assessment (en)