Project proposal is focused on elaboration of optimal silvicultural measures, which will increases of biodiversity in production forests and at same time they also provide adequate filling of production and non-production functions. Scientific evaluation of at present and in history used silvicultural approaches enriching tree species composition, evaluation of production potential and stability of mixed forest stands in lower and middle altitudes with different silvicultural regimes and selection of optimal alternatives of tree species composition enrichment of mainly conifer monocultures in the model areas are base of the project resolving. Critical analyses of a potential of forest stand structuring for reduction of risks of forest function filling and for biodiversity are also important part of the project. Management of coarse woody debris in production forests, last part of the project, plays very important role in forest stand biodiversity. This problem has not yet resolved in the Czech Republi (en)
Navrhnout pěstební opatření zvyšující biodiverzitu hospodářských lesů. Vyhodnotit různé postupy a vybrat optimální varianty pro zvýšení diverzity dřevin na modelových územích. Navrhnout metodiku managementu mrtvého dřeva v hospodářských lesích.
biodiversity; production forests; silviculture; stand structure; stand regeneration; gaps; stand transformation; mixed stands; coarse woody debris (en)