The most significant producer of renewable resources of energy in Czech Republic is agriculture. The aim of this project is to increase biomass potential as a renewable raw material for production of motor fuels. Synthetic motor fuel can be realized from biomass by flash pyrolysis. In this process, some natural anorganic components of biomass can take effect as catalysts. Within the framework of this project is to follow a) the influence of these components upon a liquefaction of the biomass b) thein influence upon a composition of final product and c) an influence of the plant species on the content of catalytic components in biomass. Our results enable to recommend a cultivation of suitable biomass targeted to the areas with a soil rich of the catalytic acting components. (en)
Na základě výsledků vlastních měření a kompilace literatury doporučit alespoň tři druhy rostlin a vhodné lokality v ČR pro pěstování biomasy jako suroviny k termické degradaci jejímž produktem je bioolej.