Rodent species are one of the factors which complicate transformation processes of secondary monoculture into the forest with species composition close to nature. However impact of rodents is not systematically monitored, extent of their damage is not exactly known and there is no methodology, which would evaluate this condition. Also there is no exact information to prevent the damage. Submitted project would evaluate extent of negative impact of rodents on the forest regeneration in key regions of the Czech Republic. It will bring new information about the foraging strategy and behaviour of the species most important in process of forest regeneration and about its population fluctuations (influence of food supply and climatic conditions). We would be able to evaluate the role of small mammal species for forest economy. On the base of new knowledge from ecology of rodents would be possible to elaborate the methodology for prevention of damages on forest plantations and natural regenerations. It would (en)
Získat nové poznatky o ekologii lesních hlodavců a provést komplexní analýzu příčin jejich negativního vlivu na obnovu lesa. Vypracovat metodiky na ochranu porostů před drobnými savci.