New system CULTAN (Controlled Uptake Long Term Ammonium Nutrition) has been studied in Germany for many years and introduced a alternative method of nitrogen application. In this project CULTAN system will be compared to traditional method of nitrogen application during growing period of grasses and clover/grass mixtures. The aim of this project is the improvement of clover growing conditionsin in clover/grass mixtures. In the experiments the effect of CULTAN system on additional growth of grass and clover biomass and portion of grass : clover, content of macro- and micronutrients, quality of plant production, and content of mineral nitrogen in soil, content of easily extractable organic nitrogen and carbon will be investigated during growing period. Grass nad clover/grass mixtures will be cultivated in precise field experiments in different soil and climate conditions. Transformation of nitrogen compounds in soil and plant will be investigated using 15N izotope in micro field and pot experiments. (en)
Kritické zhodnocení a komplexní posouzení nového systému výživy rostlin dusíkem CULTAN (controlled uptake long term ammonium nutrition) u travních a jetelotravních porostů.
The project focused on the use of new system for plant nutrition, the controlled uptake long term ammonium nutrition for grass and grass/clover vegetation, to improve the nitrogen fertilization efficiency and limit its negative impact on the environment (en)
Projekt řešil možnost využití nového systému výživy rostlin dusíkem CULTAN (controlled uptake long term ammonium nutrition) u travních a jetelotravních porostů s cílem zefektivnění dusíkatého hnojení a omezení jeho negativních dopadů na životní prostředí (cs)