The research is focused to the one of the newest trends in computer science to a computing models inspirited by biochemistry of structure of cells called P systems. Since 1998, where the P systems were introduced by Gheorghe Păun, the various types of P systems were shown. There are some interesting models in this field of interest which try to connect the theory of P systems with the traditional theory of formal languages and automata. Within the scope of this grant we will be concerned with solving some opened problems in theory of P systems more precisely in the theory of P automata and P colonies. We would like to study simulations of real processes based on membrane computing models and their applications in the area of artificial intelligence and computer graphics. (en)
Výzkum je zaměřený na výpočetní modely inspirované biochemií buněčné struktury nazývané P systém. V rámci grantu budou řešeny otevřené otázky týkající se různých variant P systémů, např. P automatů, P kolonií a možnými aplikacemi v oblasti umělé inteligence a počítačové grafiky.