The project is aimed at nonlinear dynamics application to monetary and financial economics. It will consider the theoretical questions of nonlinear systems in monetary economics and finance, as well as econometric modelling of monetary and financial dependencies. The area of monetary research will be aimed at classical macro monetary nonlinear models, where the potentials of complex dynamics (chaos) will be investigated. Analysis of the models of real business cycles and models of dynamic equilibrium will be also addressed by the project. In this part the connection of possible nonlinearities of these models and more complex dynamic behaviour (nonlinear cycles and chaos) will also be researched. New agent oriented approach to modeling of capital market structures will also be applied. This analysis will be associated to the neural networks models and also stochastic catastrophe models. (en)
Analyzovat chování nelineárních ekonomických systémů se zahrnutím peněžních a finančních procesů a ukázat souvislosti mezi nelinearitou těchto systémů a složitostí jejich dynamického chování. Součástí bude i empirická analýza realizovaná pomocí nelineárních dynamických ekonometrických modelů.