The research will describe present changes in the relationship between school and family. The design of research will be a case study done on one elementary school in Prague. It will show and explain the strengths and weaknesses of the popular new form of communication between school and family which is the one-on-one meeting between parents and teachers. This new form will be compare to other forms that are used in Czech shools. The attention will be paid partly to concepts and expectations that school management, teachers, parents and children have toward different forms of meetings. (en)
Výzkum mapuje aktuální podoby kontaktů rodiny a školy. Případová studie jedné školy popíše rysy individuálních konzultací v kontextu celého systému práce s rodiči: posuny v obsahu komunikace, záměry a očekávání, úspěchy i rizika. Zachytí případné konsekvence s významy vzdělání ve společnosti.