Clinical assays based on the sample interactions with nanomaterials may offer improvements in sensitivity and selectivity. More research, however, is needed for a wide implementation of nanotechnologies in clinical practice. This project will be focused on the design of new preparation procedures of nanoparticles and their chemical modification for selective interactions including antigen - antibody or receptor - ligand. Original microfluidic system will be constructed to integrate a target for the capture of cells catapulted by laser microdissector, sample treatment with nanoparticles, single-cell analysis by the separation of cellular components and their identification. Laser-induced fluorescence, surface plasmon resonance, surface enhanced Raman scattering and mass spectrometry will be used as detection principles. The novel methodology and instrumentation will be verified in the research of signaling pathways in mammalian cells with a higher proliferative potential, in the research of embryogenesis and cancerogenesis. (en)
1) Zavést metodu přípravy nanočástic pro detekci proteinů a jiných významných molekul v buňce. 2) Zkonstruovat mikrofluidické zařízení umožňující záchyt buněk katapultovaných laserovým mikrodisektorem a jejich následnou chemickou analýzu. 3) Zavést citlivou metodu analýzy buněk z tkáňových řezů.