The problems of thermoelasticity and pseudoplasticity in electromechanical applications based on thermal and force effects of electromagnetic fields appear in four principal domains: induction heating and subsequent hot pressing, production of high force effects, operation of contacts for switching high electric currents, and undesirable mechanical strains and stresses in structural part of electrical devices. These nonstationary and nonlinear coupled contact problems have been solved on many simplifying assumptions up to now and the results are often inaccurate. The team of investigators offers a novel methodology for their processing that solves the thermal and forces effects in such systems monolithically. Every participating field is solved on a special discretization mesh derived from one common initial mesh. The key algorithm is here the hp-FEM of higher order of accuracy supplemented with a modern self-adaptive technique and newly developed technology of hanging nodes. The results obtained will be (where possible) validated experimentally in cooperation with a foreign partner. (en)
Vypracování nové metodiky pro řešení elektromagneticko-termoelastických problémů založené na simultánním výpočtu všech zúčastněných fyzikálních polí (elektromagnetického, teplotního a termoelastických posuvů) při využití moderních adaptivních technik a nově vyvinuté technologie visících uzlů.