The aim of this project is to contribute to the knowledge of air pollution origin and to the solution of the problems arising from unfavorable air quality in affected areas of the Czech Republic. The project builds on the conclusions and subjects of previous research project sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment and is specifically focused on the Prague region. The research method is based on the application of mathematical-statistical models for the identification of air pollution sources, using the results of air pollution measurements and emissions characteristic of important individual and also widespread sources in the studied area. (en)
Cílem projektu je vytvořit nástoj pro efektivní rozhodování v oblasti ochrany ovzduší v zatížených oblastech České republiky.
The course of the project was accompanied by minor problems, some of which were dealt with by an expert advisory body. The publishing activity was weak. Although the planned scope of work was not fully met, the results can be generally considered usable. (en)
Průběh řešení projektu provázely dílčí problémy, některé musely být řešeny za účasti odborného poradního orgánu. Publikační aktivita byla slabá. Přesto, že nebyl zcela splněn plánovaný rozsah činností, lze celkově považovat dosažené výsledky za využitelné. (cs)