Inovovat technologii chovu a stanovit kritéria hodnocení podmínek intenzivních chovů lososovitých ryb při použití v podmínkách ČR nových technologických prvků s ohledem na zdravotní stav ryb, kvalitu produkované potraviny a ekonomiku chovu. (cs)
The project deals with a problem of the intensive farming conditions influence on the fish organism and the fish meat quality as a foodstuff in the salmonoid fishes production in the Czech Republic. The objective of the research will be to determine the influence of the feed strategy, stock density and water flow rate in the fish farming arrangement on the selected hydro-chemical indicators and on their daily dynamics. The work will be focused on an innovation of the technological progress, optimization of the nourishment and the environmental conditions in the intensive farming of the rainbow trout and the brook trout of different age categories. Danish technology of the salmonoid fish production in CR will be integrated with a special view to preservation of the environmental conditions of the farming system. To achieve favourable production and HQ product, fundamentals for sustainable and acceptable environmental conditions in the fish farming will also be defined. The practical evaluation of the p (en)
The optimization of the intensive farming conditions of the salmonid fishes production in the Czech Republic conditions using Danish technology focused on the produced fish quality. (en)
Optimalizace podmínek intenzivního chovu lososovitých ryb v podmínkách České republiky s využitím dánské technologie se zaměřením na kvalitu produkovaných ryb. (cs)